Damian Lozano Johnson Benefit Silent Auction July 11


Damian is 15 years old and has had severe heart issues his entire life caused by a rare condition called Shone’s Complex. His first open heart operation was at 2 years old. He was only 11 years old when he had his fourth operation and faced life-threatening complications on the operating table. The complications have exceeded surgical solutions, so he is now on the heart transplant waiting list a continuous IV in his chest until a heart is available.
While Damian waits, his sole provider is his mother who works full-time. When the call comes that a donor heart is available, she will be out of work for months and won’t be able to earn an income while she cares for him.
To help Damian and his mother ease the worry about living expenses in the middle of this, we are holding a benefit silent auction to on July 11th from 4:30-7:30 at Expressway Suites of Fargo 4303 17th Ave. S Fargo, ND 58103.

For the PDF version of this flyer click here: Area Benefits Folder 2019.