Fargo city facilities will be reactivated on May 4 utilizing “Reopening Fargo | Phase One” plan


By order of Fargo Mayor Dr. Tim Mahoney, the City of Fargo will begin reactivating its public facilities on Monday, May 4. Mayor Mahoney and Fargo City Administration collaborated with each department head to create “Reopening Fargo | Phase One” plans to allow for a successful reboot of City buildings.  These methods will be adjusted as needed to appropriately address and respond to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, including an eventual progression to a phase three (return to normal). The most up-to-date plans will be available at  FargoND.gov/ReopeningFargo. Although facilities have been closed since March 19, essential City services have continued to be offered through an innovative synergy of in-person and remote working arrangements.


•         Staff will utilize personal protective equipment (PPE).

•         Members of the public who are unable to maintain physical distancing will be asked to wear paper face coverings provided by the City.

•         Frequent disinfection of surfaces will be undertaken.

•         Utilization of virtual and telephone interactions will be incorporated whenever possible.

•         Official City travel will be suspended until further notice.

•         Public meetings will be conducted as necessary with a preference towards utilizing virtual formats.

•         Staff will be engaging in individual symptom assessments before coming to work each day.

•         Indicators will be placed on several locations within reception areas and other gathering zones to promote proper physical distancing.

•         Members of the public are encouraged to consider alternative means of contacting City departments, including the utilization of online resources at FargoND.gov/virtual and the FargoOne app.

•         The skyway system in Downtown Fargo will reopen on May 4.


•         Fargo will defer all fees related to late payments on City utilities until June 30, 2020.

•         Fargo will refrain from utility shut-offs due to a lack of payment through June 30, 2020.

•         The Cities of Fargo and Moorhead will continue offering MATBUS services fare-free through June 30, 2020.


The following facility-wide measures for City Hall will be effective on May 4 and continue until further notice.

•         Each department lobby has been fitted with acrylic panels to serve as temporary barriers protecting both members of the public and City staff.

•         Access to City Hall will be controlled via a video and electronic entry system.

•         Physical distancing standards will be adhered to within City Hall.


•         The Assessor's Office will refrain from conducting interior reviews of residential properties. Staff will continue to use secondary information, telephone interviews and exterior reviews to collect property data on homes.


•         Staff will inform and remind members of the public of the alternative methods to pay bills using auto pay, mail or via the web.


•         A physical distancing plan has been developed for the City Commission Chambers redefining the capacity of public meetings as follows.

o   A maximum of 12 committee/commission members will be supported on the Chambers' dais desk.

o   A maximum of 12 employees at the staff tables and two members of the print media will be permitted at the media tables.

o   A maximum of three television stations will be permitted at one time (one per raised media platform).

o   A maximum of 40 members of the public in the Chambers, 13 in the atrium and eight in the Meadowlark Room will be allowed during public meetings.


•         Engineers will continue in-field project management activities.


•         Facilities staff have enhanced daily cleaning schedules to sanitize commonly touched surfaces multiple times.

•         Air handling filters were replaced prior to opening.

•         A deep cleaning of several facilities was conducted during temporary facility closures.


Prior to May 4, Fargo Cass Public Health’s (FCPH) clinic offered the following services:

•         Depo-Provera injections

•         Emergency contraception

•         STD counseling, testing and treatment

•         Confirmatory HIV tests

•         Providing birth control by mail

•         PrEP services

Beginning on May 4, FCPH will resume offering:

•         Routine STD checks

•         Routine HIV testing

•         Pregnancy tests

•         Colposcopy services

Beginning on May 18, FCPH plans to resume offering:

•         Clinical services

•         Server training will be offered utilizing an online format though May. This may progress to regular live server training classes in mid-to-late June, but staff will limit number of participants so distancing can be maintained.

•         The Victim Impact Panel will occur in the Commission Chambers beginning in June. FCPH will hold two classes instead of the regular one class per month and cap the participants at 20 to maintain physical distancing.

•         The Tobacco Cessation Program will begin nicotine dependence counseling over the phone starting May 4 and have nicotine replacement therapy available for clients to pick up at FCPH.

•         Services to the Adult Nursing Division's clients will gradually resume.

•         During all public interactions, Environmental Health Division staff members will wear masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that may be necessary for inspections.

General FCPH Guidelines:

•         Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) staff will continue to provide as many services by phone as possible.

•         A combination of phone appointments and in-person services will be offered.

•         FCPH will resume immunization clinics one day per week.

•         Before aquatics facilities are allowed to re-open to the public, Environmental Health staff will be conducting biological sampling to ensure conditions warrant reopening.

•         Body artists are recommended to implement masks during procedures. FCPH may ask facilities to limit the amount of operators at one time to help control the total number of people gathered at one time.


•         The main east lobby/ticket office area and the FARGODOME Administrative Offices will be open to the public. Tickets for Fargo Civic Center events are available through the FARGDOME Ticket Office.

•         The arena space will be closed to members of the public until regularly scheduled events resume.

•         The lower level meeting rooms will remain closed until further notice.


•         The Fargo Fire Department will be exercising physical distancing and utilizing personal protective equipment (PPE) for emergency responses.


•         No-contact curbside pick-up services will be offered at all three locations to Fargo Public Library patrons through May.

•         Library patrons will be encouraged to visit FargoLibrary.org and log in using their Fargo Public Library card or calling the Circulation Department at any of the three locations (Main Library at 701.241.1472, Dr. James Carlson Library at 701.476.4040 or Northport Library at 701.476.4026).

•         Once the patron receives notification the hold is available for pick-up, he or she may call the library between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday – Friday to have library staff bring the items out to a designated area during the pick-up times.

•         Library patrons picking up items should call when they are on their way or once they have arrived at the library location.

•         Tables will be set up in the lobby at each library location for patrons to pick up their items.

•         Staff will place patrons' bagged items on the table and patrons can then pick them up.

•         Each bag will have the first four letters of the patrons' last name and last four digits of the patrons' library card attached.

•         Furniture will be temporarily removed and stored to improve physical distancing.



•         Inspections will implement an external drop-off submittal box for plans and applications.

•         Departmental staff will encourage digital submittals for plans and applications.

•         Staff will utilize digital video inspections whenever possible.

•         Appointments are encouraged.


•         Rear-loading of busses will continue to be utilized.

•         Fare-free promotion will remain in effect through June 30, 2020.

•         Destinations such as schools, offices and shopping centers will reopen gradually and transit service may need to shift depending on the status of the destinations served by the various routes.


•         Fargo Municipal Court will schedule a maximum of ten (10) defendants every half-hour for arraignment times.

•         The Court will show leniency regarding "orders to show" and work with individuals on implementing payment plans.

•         Family members or other visitors will not be permitted into the facility.


•         Planning and Development staff will accept document drop-offs using the exterior utility payment collection box located on the north side of City Hall.


•         Fargo Police Department officers will utilize personal protective equipment (PPE) while serving members of the public.


•         Public Works staff will utilize personal protective equipment (PPE) while serving members of the public.


•         Landfill staff will encourage electronic payment options at the scale house.

•         Household Hazardous Waste Facility staff will offer no-contact drop-off services for residents.


•         The lab sample drop site will be temporarily relocated to the entryway.

•         The liquid waste hauler paperwork receptacle will be temporarily relocated to the entryway.


•         Employees collecting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required water samples will wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when entering sampling locations.