Resuming Operations or Re-opening Your Business? – Guidance for Water Quality within Buildings after a Prolonged Shutdown


Moorhead Public Service’s (MPS’) water distribution system is safe and continues to be monitored and tested on a regular basis. As facilities re-open after an extended shutdown due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, business owners should conduct premise plumbing evaluations for water quality prior to re-opening. If your business or building experienced a prolonged shutdown or lack of normal water use, MPS stresses the importance of following the updated provisions within MPS’ recommended Flushing Plan for Businesses. Along with MPS’ flushing plan is the Environmental Protection Agency’s Checklist: Restoring Water Quality in Buildings for Reopening. Additional flushing information can be found in the Minnesota Department of Health’s document Guidance for Building Owners and Managers During and after COVID-19. While water quality throughout MPS’ distribution system is tested and monitored by dedicated MPS staff, water within a building’s premise plumbing is the responsibility of the building owner.