Fargo City Commissioners meeting behind closed doors to discuss potential legal action against North Dakota

Courtesy: City of Fargo
Courtesy: City of Fargo

(Fargo, ND) -- Fargo City Commissioners will be convening to speak with attorneys regarding legal action against a law passed this legislative session.

The commissioners would be speaking in regards to HB 1340, a law that would strip the city's ability to enact zone ordinances surrounding guns. City leadership is meeting tomorrow at City Hall. 

"The Fargo Board of City Commissioners will convene at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 in the Commission Chambers, 225 4th Street North, Fargo and retire into Executive Session for the purpose of attorney consultation regarding reasonably predictable litigation pertaining to enactment of HB 1340, and further that discussing the risks, strengths or weaknesses of an action of the public entity in open meeting will have a negative fiscal effect on the bargaining and/or litigation position of the City of Fargo," said a spokesperson for the city.

You can read the law city leaders will be discussing tomorrow by clicking here.