United Way Cass Clay aims to collect 6,000 backpacks and supplies for local school students

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Image by Pexels

(Fargo, ND) -- United Way Cass Clay is launching their annual school supply drive to benefit students in the FM metro.

"We are focusing on basic supplies such as spiral notebooks, wide and thin-ruled markers, crayons, rulers, pencils, erasers, glue, anything that a student would need," said Community Outreach Coordinator, Tiffany McShane.

McShane says the drive runs from June 29th through July 25th. 

This is the 25th year for the drive.  

Their goal is to collect and prepare 6,000 backpacks for distribution in early August. 

Since 1997, the local United Way has collected and distributed nearly 100,000 backpacks for area children. 

To learn more, including details on drop off sites, visit UnitedWayCassClay.org