Commissioner Strand on seeking third term: "there's that risk of the door hitting you on the backside on the way out"

(Fargo, ND) -- Fargo City Commissioner John Strand says deciding to seek a third term was a tough decision. 

"I decided to do it, then I flip-flopped for months. It's an honor to serve. It's really something, but I've also seen a lot of politicians who should quit while they're ahead, on top of their game, and there's that risk of the door hitting you on the backside on the way out," said Strand. 

Strand says if people give him the "pass to serve again" he will. 

If not, he says "he's been honored for eight years" to serve on the commission. 

Strand is facing 6 other challengers in the race for two open seats. 

He made the comments while appearing on The Flag's "What's on Your Mind".