National Prescription Drug Take Back Day scheduled for Saturday with thousands of drop off sites across U.S.

Photo by: WDAY Radio File (Canva)
Photo by: WDAY Radio File (Canva)

(Washington, D.C.) -- The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is encouraging people to return unused prescription drugs to several collection sites across the nation.

The sites will accept items like tablets, capsules, patches, and other solid prescription drugs between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 28th. They will not accept syringes, sharp items, or illicit drugs. Other items like liquid cough syrup can still be accepted but are asked to be sealed in their original container.

Since Take Back Day was started in 2010, the DEA has received approximately 8,650 tons of returned prescription medications.

“We encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to rid your home of any prescription medications that are no longer needed,” DEA Omaha Division Special Agent in Charge Justin C. King said. “In addition, consider using this day as a time to sit down with family and friends and have the conversation about prescription safety and the consequences of drug experimentation. These conversations can be hard to start, but they are so important in raising awareness to the dangers of drug use.”

You can find a list of collection sites in your area by clicking here