Walsh County Deputy says teen boys are being targeted in "sextortion" scams

(Fargo, ND) -- A Walsh County Sheriff's Deputy says teen boys in the county are being targeted in "sextortion" scams.

"They're using different social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, and they're sending images to juvenile males, and the juveniles are getting randomly added by these people that they have no idea who they are, but they portray themselves to be these beautiful young women. So they enter into a communication back and forth, imagery gets sent of these individuals back and forth, and then at the end of it, they're like, gotcha," said Deputy Richie Sherlock.      

Sherlock says parents need to warn their teens about these types of scams. He also says teens should be made aware of how scammers can use GPS capabilities built into some apps to con their would-be victims. 

Sherlock appeared on "What's on Your Mind" on AM 1100 The Flag.