Summit Carbon Solutions seeing pushback from landowners over entering property without permission

Photo by: WDAY Radio File (Canva)
Photo by: WDAY Radio File (Canva)

(Brown County, SD) -- Summit Carbon Solutions is under fire from locals after drilling on the land of a farm owner and damaging his crops.  

Farmer Jared Bossly is a Brown County farmer and has strong opposition to the pipeline. The man is accused of threatening to kill two contractors who visited his property to conduct surveys on May 3rd, according to Summit Carbon, but the charges were dropped in court.  Representative Jon Hansen shared two photos on Twitter that show Summit Carbon surveyors using a geotechnical drilling rig to drill on farmland around the area of the company's proposed pipeline on Tuesday.  A recent ruling made by a Brown County judge allows Summit Carbon Solutions to survey private land without permission from landowners.

You can learn more about the movement speaking out against the pipeline by clicking here