Minnesota Republicans call for Governor Tim Walz to veto controversial omnibus legislation

Courtesy: Minnesota State Senate Media Team
Courtesy: Minnesota State Senate Media Team

(St. Paul, MN) -- Minnesota Republicans are urging Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to veto a bill that led to chaos in both chambers in the final hour of the legislative session.

Republicans accuse the DFL of abusing the legislative process and ramming through an omnibus bill without debate. The letter was sent by the House and Senate minority leaders, who say the bill, if passed, would become approval for Republicans to use the same or similar tactics in the future.

"Governor, your party has had two years of single-party control, and utilized every one of the 120 legislative days permitted in our Constitution. The claim that the minority parties in the House and Senate somehow obstructed the work of the majority, to the point that such drastic action was required, is simply untrue," wrote Republican lawmakers Mark Johnson and Lisa Demuth.

House Democrats responded in part by publishing a video titled "House GOP Filiburger", which shows Republicans speaking at length about their favorite hamburgers and toppings during the final hours of the session. Democrats claim the video shows some of they ways Republicans filibustered during the last three weeks of the session.