5-22-21 America's Land Auctioneer

Episode Fourteen
America’s Land Auctioneer and Pifer’s Land Auctioneer: Commodity prices, land valuations, and capital gain tax increases. Carolyn is the co-host

This week America's Land Auctioneer is joined by co-host The American Wine Girl.  America's Land Auctioneer will cover commodity prices, land valuations, and capital gains tax.
Farmland values are increasing but it is likely capital gain taxes will in 2022 if not sooner.  The Biden Administration and Congress are wrestling with an out-of-control National Debt and one of the main options to raise tax is through the Capital Gain Tax structure.  This will challenge those with a low-cost basis in real estate and dramatically increase their tax bill.  It is likely something will happen, just how big an increase no one knows for sure.

Follow Kevin at www.americalandauctioneer.com and on Instagram & Facebook.
Follow Carolyn at www.theamericanwinegirl.com and on Instagram & Facebook.

To get a free consultation or inquire about Pifer’s Land Management please visit https://www.pifers.com/

Original Air Date: 
Saturday, May 22, 2021