Real Estate Updates, Marketing and More with Nancy Kelly and Karlee Winkelman

Episode 158

America’s Land Auctioneer and Pifer’s Land:

This week, America’s Land Auctioneer is joined by Nancy Kelly, realtor and founder of Labor Masters. Nancy discusses her real estate business and the impact this winter has had on Labor Masters. She shares with listeners some new development opportunities for buyers in Colfax, ND South of Fargo! Kevin and Nancy also talk about entrepreneurship and Nancy discusses what it takes to start a business and sustain it as long as she has. 
Karlee Winkleman, marketing specialist, discusses with America’s Land Auctioneer the marketing profession and why it’s so important in this day and age. She highlights the importance of an online presence and how she helps businesses build and reach their target audience. Karlee shares some techniques she uses that really help capture the attention of a business's target audience. 

Kevin and Karlee  also discuss Babe Winkelman and how iconic of a personality he’s been for decades!

Original Air Date: 
Saturday, February 24, 2024