Outdoors Angle: Finding Early Ice Walleyes

The Flag Outdoors Expert Steve Carney has your weekly Outdoors Angle right here!

     Most anglers know the first few weeks of early ice is the best time of the winter season to score on walleyes. That's why anglers get in trouble on bad ice because we all know the walleyes go nuts at first ice. Be patient. I have been spending my angling time staying very close to shorelines and working shoreline breaks and weedlines that held fish in the Fall. These  fish are super-active right now and will be for the next two weeks. As usual, they will transition into deeper water as we get into the month of January.

     Begin by drilling holes and probing along shoreline breaks and look for healthy, green weeds. These weeds will hold small perch and bluegills and you can bet around 4:30 PM, the walleyes will follow. Chances are you could get some bonus crappies and bluegills before walleye prime time as most gamefish feed in the same areas only at different times of the day and night.

     Be aggressive! I use jigging spoons almost exclusively during early ice because an aggressive lift and drop of a bright spoon will bring in walleyes from the surrounding areas, sort of a dinnerbell you might say. Place a small fathead minnow head on the treble and call those fish in. This isn't the time of the winter for bobbers or any passive baits. December is go-time with aggressive and active baits. Get ready for the best fishing of the winter season.... it's coming!

Steve Carney is The Flag WZFG Outdoors expert. He can be heard every Thursday morning at 8:05 on AM 1100 WZFG. Check out his weekly podcast on am1100theflag.com and hear his Outdoors Angle reports every Friday on AM 1100 WZFG. You can also visit stevecarneyoutdoors.com for more information.