Outdoors Angle: Current Ice Conditions In Lakes Country

The Flag Outdoors Expert Steve Carney has your weekly Outdoors Angle right here!

     Wow, what a winter so far! It has been a major challenge this winter to navigate on the ice as deep snow and slush conditions have made getting where you want to go a real chore.

     Lake's Country has about 14 inches of snow on the ice which has been weighing down the ice and allowing water to seep up from the cracks and crevices which is what creates slush. Slush isn't prevalent on every lake but most lakes. I always take the same route back off the ice but make sure there isn't slush rising from my prior tracks. It's really a common sense thing.

     After our very cold temperatures recently, we made about 7 more inches of ice which now gives us a grand total of around 14 inches which is getting thicker by the day.

     The current ice conditions are really not conducive to driving motor vehicles on the ice and makes it very difficult for wheelhouses to negotiate the heavy snow. It looks like the rest of the winter will be a snowmobile affair pulling a portable pullover style shack. Look to the resorts in Lake's Country for plowed road accesses which will allow the wheelhouses to get out safely.

     This is not the winter to be freestyling on lakes you don't know. Shoot for local information before venturing out on any lake in our north country.

Steve Carney is The Flag WZFG Outdoors expert. He can be heard every Thursday morning at 8:05 on AM 1100 WZFG. Check out his weekly podcast on am1100theflag.com and hear his Outdoors Angle reports every Friday on AM 1100 WZFG. You can also visit stevecarneyoutdoors.com for more information.