Documentary film about General Mike Flynn to debut in Fargo: about "severe levels of corruption in our government"

(Fargo, ND) -- A movie about the life of former National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn will debut this coming Tuesday night in Fargo.

"The movie itself is bigger than just you know, woe is me Mike Flynn. It is about the persecution of the nation and I do it through the lends of my case, of what happened to me. It's a really compelling story about just the severe levels of corruption in our government," said Flynn. 

The documentary style film covers Flynn's life from his rise in the U.S. military to the "severe political persecution he faced exposing corruption as the National Security Advisor". 

The film will be shown at Avalon Events Center.

A "meet and greet" is scheduled for 5:00 p.m.  

More information is available at  

Flynn appeared on The Flag's "What's on Your Mind".