Local conservation group seeking volunteers to help remove invasive plant from Moorhead park

Photo by: WDAY Radio Staff
Photo by: WDAY Radio Staff

(Moorhead, MN) -- Members of FM Community are invited to help remove an invasive plant growing in a Moorhead park.

The City of Moorhead has begun the process of clearing out large patches of Buckthorn growing in M.B Johnson Park. A local organization is gathering volunteers as a part of "Call to Earth Day" on November 3rd between 2 p.m and 6 p.m to continue those efforts, and clear the plant from the public space.

"It is considered an invasive, non-native plant," said Mehgan Carter-Johnson, a Senior Engagement Coordinator with Audubon Dakota," In addition to that it spreads around quite rapidly, which can definitely decrease diversity of the plants in the habitat."

Carter-Johnson says the plant came to the region as decoration, often used in small shrubs or hedges. She says Buckweed grows in patches that choke out other plants, have berries that can cause diarrhea in birds and other animals, and overall reduce the health of other species of plants and animals who live in their vicinity. She says efforts to remove the plant are needed, because they will reseed in the spring if left unchecked.

"We do ask that that volunteers dress for the weather. Bring some thick work gloves if they have them - we will have a limited amount available for volunteers to use," said Carter Johnson, "But otherwise come out, help us clean up a beautiful park, and enjoy the Fall weather."

The volunteer event is taking place on November 3rd in M.B Johnson Park between 2 p.m and 6 p.m. You can learn more about the event by clicking here


Original Air Date: 
Wednesday, November 2, 2022