Minnesota GOP lawmaker calls on Democratic colleagues to support SRO clarifications

Courtesy: Minnesota Legislative Session
Courtesy: Minnesota Legislative Session

(St. Paul, MN) -- Republicans in Minnesota are calling on their colleagues across the aisle to support legislation that would reverse a new law pertaining to School Resource Officers.

Minnesota State Representative Jeff Backer from District 9A joined the Flag's Steve Hallstrom Show to discuss plans on legislation to return the law prior to the 2023 legislative session. The new law put restrictions in place on the types of holds a School Resource Officer can use to restrain someone who has caused a crime but is not or hasn't caused bodily harm or death. This led to most police departments pulling officers from schools, including Moorhead Area Public Schools.

New legislation by GOP lawmakers call for a return to the previous regulations, which police departments have trained their officers to follow in the event a serious incident. 

"These students need that relationship. That is what these SRO's do," said Backer. "They are providing a safe environment, because as you are well aware of, a safe work environment, including learning in schools, are very important."

As of this publication, many districts have seen their SRO's return, but some are still waiting for additional clarification. 


Original Air Date: 
Wednesday, February 14, 2024