Minnesota property owner on DFL land transfer bill: "they're not going to let this die"

Image provided by MN DNR
Image provided by MN DNR

(Fargo, ND) -- A Minnesota property owner is drawing attention to a DFL proposal to transfer ownership of state-owned forest land to a native tribe. 

"At this point it is a tabled situation. I strongly encourage everyone listening today, tell all of your friends, tell all your neighbors get involved, pay attention, because this is a serious situation and they're not going to let this die," said Craig Hall. 

Hall is talking about legislation that would give about 155 thousand acres of White Earth State Forest to the White Earth Nation. 

The tribe's leader says private property owners and recreational users would still be allowed to access the land after a transfer takes place. 

But Hall and others oppose the plan. 

There is no word yet on when the legislature will take up the bill once again. 

