Burnsville woman indicted for allegedly purchasing firearms used to kill two police officers and first responder

Photo by: WDAY Radio File (Canva)
Photo by: WDAY Radio File (Canva)

(Burnsville, MN) -- A suspect has been named as the straw purchaser of several guns used to kill two police officers and a first responder in a Burnsville domestic dispute. 

Authorities say Ashley Anne Dyrdahl purchased five firearms between the dates of September 21st, 2023, and January 25th, 2024. Police say Dyrdahl and the shooter, Shannon Gooden, had a domestic relationship which enabled them to coordinate and purchase the guns. Officials cite text messages between Dyrdahl and Gooden as proof of the purchases, where they discussed questions that would be asked by firearm sellers, asking Gooden how he liked his new gun and showing the new gun and attachments, confirmations of the purchase, and more. 

Authorities also cite texts Shannon sent to Dyrdahl while at a shooting range. 

"Gooden: I love my 300 blackout

Dyrdahl: Haha good baby

Dyrdahl: That’s your 300 blackout?

Dyrdahl: Wow

Dyrdahl: [Smiling heart emoji]

Gooden: It’s nasty bae

Dyrdahl: hell yeah …

Gooden: Thanks for making me so happy

Dyrdahl: You’re welcome baby thank you for making me so happy to [sic]"

According to the indictment, Gooden used two AR-15-style semiautomatic firearms ordered by Dyrdahl to kill the two officers and a first responder.

Dyrdahl is charged with one count of conspiracy, five counts of straw purchasing, and five counts of making false statements during the purchase of a firearm.